Green Certification
Green Approach works at each levels of organizational structure & processes. It starts greener inputs, operations, processes,
practices & systems to ultimate Green output & System of an organization. Organization following Green Approach
is able to:

Measures it’s Carbon Footprints becoming Potentially Carbon Neutral. These Carbon Footprints are result of carbon
     emissionreduction from it’s processes, sub-processes, environmental friendly practices in energy saving & efficiency,
Use of effective Waste Management System following a green process & practice,
Provide a Safe & Healthy Environment following sound work place practices & systems,
Deliver Green Product & Services by it’s:
Use of environmental friendly materials such as recyclable/ reusable or bio-degradable material as input,
Product is energy efficient on use,
Product is resource saving on use,
Product is reusable/recyclable on use,
Product do not contain toxic or harmful compound.
Follows Green Processes those are free from toxic or harmful elements.
Organizations are regulatory compliant and deliver a sound corporate social responsibility.
Ensure an optimal utilization of resources.

General :
•  1.1 Develop and implement Green Approach within organization.
•  1.2 Deliver green product and services towards sustainable business.
•  1.3 Demonstrate extent of organization’s ability towards Green Approach.

Control of GHG Emission :
•  2.1 Contribution to energy saving and efficiency improvement.
•  2.2 Promote use of renewable energy.
•  2.3 Contribution towards waste minimization and optimal waste management.

Regulatory Compliance :
•  3.1 Comply with environmental legislations to protect environment from:
•  3.1.1 Air pollution.
•  3.1.2 Water pollution.
•  3.1.3 Land pollution.

Policy and Objectives :
•  4.1 Define, measure and review policies and objectives to manage Green Approach.

Work Environment :
•  5.1 Provide safe and healthy environment.
•  5.2 Follow environmental conscious practice.
•  5.3 Prohibit harassment and abuse at workplace.
•  5.4 Ensure equal remuneration policy.
•  5.5 Ensure adequate measure to prevent potential industrial accidents.

Process Provision :
•  6.1 Ensure manufacturing or service delivery is free from toxic or harmful elements.
•  6.2 If presence of such element is inevitable to construction of product, ensure that it is minimum and within permissible limit.

Product Requirements :
•  7.1 Use of recyclable material
•  7.1.1 Product is manufactured from recyclable/reusable or biodegradable material.
•  7.1.2 If construction requires use of mix materials with non-recyclable / non-reusable / non-biodegradable such mix is traceable    to applicable national international standards.

7.2 Product Characteristics :
•  7.2.1 Product is energy efficient on use.
•  7.2.2 Product is resource saving on use.
•  7.2.3 Product is reusable/recyclable on use.
•  7.2.4 Product does not contains toxic or harmful compound.

Resource Management :
•  8.1 Develop, review and manage resource management plan.
•  8.2 Ensure optimal utilization of resource.
•  On the basis of the extent of compliance and fulfillments of the various aspects and parameters, the levels of Green Certificate    are awarded.
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